A little bit of history on western numerology

 What is Numerology ?

“What you think you become - What you feel you attract - What you imagine you create

- Buddha

Numerology is a language that allows you to expand your horizon and spirtual awarness.

This is an ancient science of numbers contributing a unique vibration to a story of your life. One of the benefits of numerology is that it can reveal your life purpose and destiny, with your life lessons, that you will face here on earth, which is valuable information that you can work with here on your journey.

Numerology dates back thounsand’s of years ago to ancient civilization of Alantis, Babylon, China, Egpty, India And Grecce.

I myself use Western Numerology this is the most popular system. It’s said to be created by Pythagoras, a Greek mystic and mathematician, more that 2,500 years ago. Pythagoras was a philosopher who made important development apart from numerology this was in, mathematics, astronomy, also the theory of music. He is still in our schools with the “Pythagorean theorem”, the relationship between the three sides right hand triangle.

Numerology is a powerful self help tool that will give you direction to your soul purpose, it will unlock and provide an insight to your life. This is provided by the numbers in your date of birth, and the name that was given to you at birth, both of these vibrate to your own unique numerology chart, that will reveal your purpose and will shine a direction to your own life journey.

Numerology can be used for -

  • Greater awareness and self knowledge

  • Choosing a suitable career

  • Forcasting future

  • Relationship compatiablity

  • Baby names

  • Choosing Business names , product names, ect

  • Name change

  • Planning events in life

  • Naming a pet

  • The energy of your home.

  • Number sequences meanings


LIFE PATH NUMBER - Is calculated from your full date of birth, revealing your life path number. This is the most significant number in your numerology chart, this is what you have come to here to do with your drive and talents, also the lessons that you need to overcome, to let your soul evolve.

DESTINY NUMBER - The second most significant number in your numerology chart. This is calculated from your full original birth certificate name, revealing your mission in life, and what you are destined to accomplish. Combine with Life Path number to consider career choices.

BIRTHDAY DAY NUMBER-Indicates your talents, abilities, and personality traits that will assist you on your life path, helping you open up to your destiny.

SOUL URGE NUMBER -Is made up by the vowels of your full birth certificate name, reveals what motivates you and makes your heart sing in life.

PERSONALITY NUMBER -Is made up with the consonant of your birth certificate name, this will reveal how others precive you, your outer personality.

CURRENT NAME - Made up from your first and last name that you use on a daily basis; offers additional traits, strengths, experience’s and lessons.

MATURITY NUMBER - Calculated by adding the life path number and destiny number; reveals future potential and the ultimate goal in your life.

KAMIC LESSONS NUMBERS- Calculated from missing letters in your birth certificate name in the alphabet, indicate weaknesses that you need to work on, along with certian areas of growth that need to be addressed.

HIDDEN PASSION- Calculated by most prevalent letters in your name. Reveals specific strengths and talents that are available to you, giving you a certain desire to develop and express.

MAJOR CYCLES - 3 blocks of time in your life path numbers, reflected in the month, day, and year of birth. This will highlight three stages of growth throughout your life.

PINNACLES - Reveals the opportunities and events you’ll be faced with during each pinnacle period, with potenital areas for achievement.

CHALLENGES- Calculated month, day and year of your birth date. Revelas the challenges you need to overcome to reach your full potential.

PERSONAL YEAR CYCLE - This is calculated with your day and month of birth with the universal year, contains lessons, opportunities, and expreinces you will encounter during the course of the year.

ESSENCE NUMBER- This number runs from birthday to birthday - revealing additional insight into your internal enviroment, mindset ,needs, and desires.